RISE (Representation, Inclusion, & Support for Employment) Theatre, a program of Maestra Music, seeks to build a more equitable and inclusive theatre industry by centralizing DEIA tools and resources through a network of partners and a national career platform that serves everyone in the industry, but intentionally designed for candidates from underrepresented backgrounds, including but not limited to people of color, women, trans, nonbinary, deaf, and disabled theatre professionals, to be seen, considered and hired.
Only together we RISE.
RISE builds networks and fosters coalition within communities. We believe in the spirit of abundance that empowers collaboration over competition. Through abundant collaboration, we can create more space, resources and opportunity.
RISE seeks broader access for all and to improve the pathways to entry points for the theatre industry.
RISE uplifts theatre makers. By creating a platform with equal access for all the diverse and varied professionals in our industry, we support those who have been subject to systems of oppression and even denied entry.
RISE shines a light on the many ways in which DEIA work is approached and activated by the existing mission-aligned communities in the theatre industry.
RISE creates tools, spaces, and systems to uplift the powerful diversity in the theatre industry and champions the inclusion of marginalized people by creating a pathway to progress for the entire theatre industry.