Parity Productions Presents a screening of STOP-MOTION by 2018 Parity Development Award Winner Liz Kerin a filmed stage production.
Thursday September 26th, 6PM-9PM
The Maker's Studio at Chelsea Market,
448 West 16th St btwn 9th Avenue and 10th Avenue
This screening is free to the public, but as always donations are greatly appreciated.
SYNOPSIS Tragedy can tear families apart – or it can bring them together… really together. Stop-Motion occupies that in-between space - the space between tragedy and comedy, family drama and magical escape. Xan, who spent her 20s acting as her mother’s sole caretaker, must navigate the aftermath of a terrible accident (as well as some long-neglected family relationships). Privately, she reveals herself to us through a whimsical stop-motion film she’s been working on while contending with grief, duty, and the limits of escapism. Stop-Motion probes the idea of how an individual - and a family - can evolve in the face of tragedy and perhaps, move forward together - even if it’s one frame at a time.